Washington University School of Medicine
Dr. Griffith is Associate Professor of Medicine (Oncology) and Genetics and Assistant Director of the McDonnell Genome Institute at Washington University. Dr. Griffith’s research is focused on the development of personalized medicine strategies for cancer. He develops bioinformatics tools and methods for the analysis of high throughput sequence data and identification of biomarkers for diagnostic, prognostic and drug response prediction. Dr Griffith is on the board of directors for the Cancer Genomics Committee, Steering Committee for the Global Alliance for Genomic Health, co-chair of the Variant Interpretation for Cancer Consortium, and editorial board for Cell Reports. He has published over 100 studies, received numerous research awards and honors and held several large grants from the NIH including a K22 Transition Career Development Award, U01/U24 for Development of Informatics Technologies for Cancer Research, and others. He has mentored more than 30 bioinformatics trainees and taught hundreds more as an instructor for Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories and the Canadian Bioinformatics Workshops.